Provent Therapy device

Provent Therapy is the most exciting breakthrough in Sleep Apnoea Treatment in 30 years. Provent was invented by a Professor from Stanford University and is manufactured by Provent Therapy LLC. Provent Therapy Nasal EPAP Provent Therapy utilises nasal EPAP (expiratory positive airway pressure) to treat all levels of severity of obstructive sleep Apnoea (OSA) and related snoring. It may be an ideal treatment option for your patient who has rejected or is non-compliant with CPAP. The device has been evaluated in multiple published studies including a 19 centre, randomised controlled trial published in the journal SLEEP. How EPAP Works The device consists of a small valve attached externally to each nostril with hypoallergenic adhesive. The valve acts as a one-way resistor, nearly permitting unobstructed inspiration. During expiration, airflow is directed through small air channels, increasing resistance. This increased resistance during expiration creates EPAP which is maintained until the start of the next inspiration. As a result, the device helps pressurise and stabilise the upper airway during the critical end-expiratory period, when the airway has been found to be most narrow in the breaths prior to an Apnoea. Whereas CPAP provides positive pressure during both inspiration and expiration, EPAP only creates pressure during expiration.
Provent Therapy device
Provent Therapy device
Provent Therapy device
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